Student Voice: Learning through Doing (and Writing About It Afterwards)

By Jai’Anna Miller

I really enjoyed myself a lot out there. It was something new for me so the first day I really didn't know how to feel, but as I was doing it I asked questions to understand it more. I also got to learn about the importance and safety of the machine that I worked on.

I helped do mostly everything so I really participated in it all and it went very well. I learned so many new things, touched new things and did things I never pictured myself doing. I also met new cool and amazing people that I worked with out there. I felt happy to be doing it because those plants will last for not just me but many other kids that come to Mark Twain to see. It really lights the place up.

I had a lot of good feelings knowing I can help and enjoy helping the environment outside. Lastly digging up the grass and dirt was one of my favorite parts but lemme just say it wasn't the easiest part to do. One part I didn't enjoy a lot was wheelbarrowing down the hill because it was kinda heavy and so easy for them to tip over if I didn't have enough help or it was filled too much to the top. Also nailing the beds into the ground with the hammer because after a while it kinda hurt my hand. It was a challenge but I got through it. What I really enjoyed was working the machine and dumping into wheelbarrows. Except for when the dust from dirt, wood chips and mulch got into my eyes it was so much fun. Other than that, lifting it into the air. I've never driven anything and I easily understood how to work the thing just a few minutes after learning.

Another thing I enjoyed was cutting the ribbon. I felt good knowing I can look back like I'm the one who did it, I'm the one who cut the ribbon. And last but not least I enjoyed spreading the dirt out into the beds because it really all started to look good and come together.

I'm very interested in a lot of subjects now because my teachers are good at helping me. I like that I can sit by myself because it helps me get my work done. I also like how caring my teachers are and how much they help me. I enjoy everything about my school -- only thing I don't like is sitting in this tiny desk. It's uncomfortable but I'm used to it now.

Jai’Anna Miller is an 8th grader in the Ferguson-Florissant School District.

Inda Schaenen